"The Sick Ward." Lance and Ellie asleep 1pm on Friday.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Had A Bad Day
Monday, November 24, 2008
Blue Sky
Do You Wanna Dance?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Nice bright colors... Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh yeah.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
War (what is it good for?)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Rising
Four years ago Lance attended the Democratic National Convention in Boston where a State Legislator from Illinois named Barack Obama gave the keynote address. Lance was so blown away by Obama's speech that he called his Dad during the speech and said "hey, turn this on you gotta see this." Afterwards he told both me and his Dad "I just saw the guy who is going to be the first black President of the United States."
No matter what your politics are, and whether you agree or disagree with his policies; it is a pretty special day. We just got back from an improptu post election party here in France where there was a mix of Americans, British, and French people and everyone was a buzz. It is a pretty special day not only for America but for the world.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ain't Wastin' Time No More
Are you considering whether you need to buy a smoke detector? Well the good folks at ELRO have a simple question for you...
Seriously folks, "Why risk your life?" Why? Why would you even consider risking your life? Why? Buy this smoke detector now. STOP... Don't walk away! Come back here!! YOU'RE RISKING YOUR LIFE! DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE!!
Kidding aside, you all "fell back" this weekend, so we're back to six hours ahead of Eastern Time. Also, change the batteries in those smoke detectors. I mean, really... why risk your life?
(Also, GO VOTE!)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Born in the U.S.A.
Keeping with the American theme, we succumbed to an ad blitz that apparently was directed specifically at me (how'd they know I was going to be in Nimes that day?) that involved no less than four billboards along my drive through town and a prime location in the Hypermarche promotions aisle for that famous old Kentucky Bourbon, Four Roses (yeah, I'd never heard of it either but that didn't stop me). Manhattans never tasted so good.
And to keep things rolling, we kicked it up a notch this morning with pancakes and maple syrup (okay the syrup is imported from Canada but close enough right?).
However, the piece de resistance of the weekend, the one thing without which we could not have truly called it an All-American weekend was Saturday, in the midst of the rainy shopping.
Hungry, wet, with two kids who were even hungrier and getting increasingly cranky, in the middle of a commercialized nightmare with nary a proper cafe or even creperie in sight, we decided it was time to break down and get lunch at Micky D's.
Okay, okay, I know. Go ahead, condemn away.
Now consider this: the kids devoured their happy meals. Amy enjoyed the "M" which was the prize winner of the day -- a very serviceable burger on an unbelievable fresh roll. As for me? Well, could I really not go into a McDonalds in France and not order a Royale with cheese? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xtqno_pulp-fiction-royal-with-cheese_shortfilms
And yes, I got the beer too. Everbody was happy.
Don't worry, we'll go back to sustaining ourselves on olives, fresh baguettes, local wine, and a nice brie this week.