Saturday, August 30, 2008

867-5309 Lisa!

VONAGE IS UP AND RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HUGE, HUGE thanks to Lisa for helping to bring this to fruition.  For the 1st time in print, I will divulge the story behind the delay in this service (as well as throw my husband under the bus - good times).

So we had only been here 36 hours before I asked (O.K., begged) Lance to hook up the Vonage phone.  Nathalie and Didier and their 2 kids were still here (although generously staying with friends to give us the house) and were in the last phases of "holy **** we are leaving the country" and doing last minute things around the house like mad.  I felt as though we really could not unpack our stuff into their house with them still here.  At one point they went out and we had some time in the house to ourselves.  Finally, our Vonage chance!  

Things you should know:

Voltage here is 240 volts compared to our 110 volts AND the prongs are different on the plug.  Some things need voltage convertors (baby monitors, iPods, etc.) and some don't (lap tops, cell phone chargers, etc.)  So at any given time you may need one or two items (a plug adapter and/or a voltage convertor).  So in his "sleep deprived, kid distracted, appease my wife" haste he plugged the Vonage plug into the wall with only a plug adaptor and...zzzzZZZZTT -- POOF!!!!!  Merde.

SMOKE eminating from the plug!  So several days and countless hours later Vonage sent us a new plug in care of Lisa who promptly forwarded it on to us using 2 Obama tee-shirts as packing material!  Thanks Lisa!

Moral of the story - you can now call us at: 


for free.  Just dial it as if we were sitting at home in Somerville.  Go Vonage!


LD said...

Dude, I had a lot going on... I got confused. I was jetlagged. The kids were screaming. The sun got in my eyes. It took a bad hop. The dog ate my homework...

Anne Marie Hile said...

I'm literally crying from laughing at this one. I have a visual of the whole episode, yikes! We will have to give you a call. =)

Greg Corbett said...

Total deja vu.

We struggled with the same converter/adapter issue when we arrived in Germany.

AND we did the EXACT same thing in Germany - plugged our Vonage phone into the 220 volt outlet -- sizzle.

We had to have someone ship us another one just like you....

Ah the memories...