Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Some of you hadn't noticed the new album to the left ("France Round 2") with new pictures.   So here is a clear and definitive notification of its existence!

We are hoping to figure out how to actually post some video of the place but we haven't yet been able to find a brainy French 13 year-old who's willing to explain YouTube to us.  So, hopefully that will be coming soon.  Or not. 

Other recent highlights that may or may not make their way into their own entry but that I'll mention here so that we don't fall too far behind in the "how are things going?" category:

-  Rain, lots of rain, last weekend.  Like, "Noah, get the boat ready" rain.  Thankfully, it's gone back to the "perfect blue sky 80 degrees with no wind" weather that appears to be the norm here.  It's tough... I mean *really* tough to get used to.

-  Speaking of Noah, Ellie's new friend (purely by coincidence the only kid that speaks English in her class) is named Noah.  Aim took the kids over to his house this morning to play.  Ellie came back covered in dirt and Cole was fast asleep.  Must have been a good time.  I have a feeling this won't be the last entry that mentions Noah, as his mother is from Virginia, is an artist, is named Amy, and been tremendously helpful in explaining what we are and are not supposed to do for Ellie's school.  I'm pretty sure I saw a distinct circle of light around her head when I met her.

-  I finally got back out on the bike this past weekend.  I've now done two rides and I've yet to be run over by an insane Frenchman... or a sane Frenchman for that matter (I think there are one or two around here but I'm not certain).

-  New people are in the guest house for the next three weeks.  Americans.  Between us, them, and the Brits that are in the house next door, there are more native English speakers in this hamlet than French.  Go figure.

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