Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Rising

So I know it is lame to tell this story after the fact but I was too superstitious to post it before the election (did not want to jinx anything.)

Four years ago Lance attended the Democratic National Convention in Boston where a State Legislator from Illinois named Barack Obama gave the keynote address. Lance was so blown away by Obama's speech that he called his Dad during the speech and said "hey, turn this on you gotta see this." Afterwards he told both me and his Dad "I just saw the guy who is going to be the first black President of the United States."

No matter what your politics are, and whether you agree or disagree with his policies; it is a pretty special day. We just got back from an improptu post election party here in France where there was a mix of Americans, British, and French people and everyone was a buzz. It is a pretty special day not only for America but for the world.

1 comment:

Ed Foote said...

Hopefully George Bush won't launch a pre-emptive strike on France before he leaves office. You guys are in the clear on Jan 20....