So many of you know that for a number of weeks this summer Cole re-visited his long since forgotten "Satan Days" from when he was a wee lad (between the ages of 0 and 3 months old). In his defense this return to "Satan," as we called it, began right after his trip to the ER for an unidentified rash/hives/allergic reaction of some sort that caused the ER docs to give him a steriod to get things under control. OK - we'll cut him some slack there BUT Cole seemed to turn this into an opportunity to develop an invisible ambilical cord between him and me. He was waking up (for the day) at 4:30 a.m. and all he wanted was Mom (Dad just wouldn't do - lucky Dad). If I even thought about leaving the room he would start to whine and hang on my leg. As a result, we luckily travelled everywhere together ;-)!!!!
Why am I telling you this? Although he has never been a kid who has had difficulty seperating from me/us - he sure was now. In the back of my mind I just keep thinking, "how the heck is he going to survive in France?" My plan was to volunteer in Ellie's school 3 afternoons a week (teaching English - I am sure this will be a future blog) and he would attend the day care as a way to allow me to do that, as well as interact with French kids and adults. Jump to present day - we visited the "creche" today and within minutes the director was asking us to come into her office and leave Cole with her very lovely staff. OK - here goes? We shut the door and I waited for the crying. Not a peep! I checked on him through the window a few times and he was climbing on all the big toys and having a BLAST. Just goes to show you what I know.
Why am I telling you this? Although he has never been a kid who has had difficulty seperating from me/us - he sure was now. In the back of my mind I just keep thinking, "how the heck is he going to survive in France?" My plan was to volunteer in Ellie's school 3 afternoons a week (teaching English - I am sure this will be a future blog) and he would attend the day care as a way to allow me to do that, as well as interact with French kids and adults. Jump to present day - we visited the "creche" today and within minutes the director was asking us to come into her office and leave Cole with her very lovely staff. OK - here goes? We shut the door and I waited for the crying. Not a peep! I checked on him through the window a few times and he was climbing on all the big toys and having a BLAST. Just goes to show you what I know.
My mom says that kids make liars outta you every time. Glad it worked out!!
Could you send one of those cars home for Peter
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