Tuesday, January 6, 2009

History Repeating

OK - we were on a bit of a hiatus over the holidays and are now starting to weed through our un-posted pictures and get them up on the blog. We enjoyed having Lance’s Mom here for the holiday and have many exciting adventures to report (some of which you've already had glimpses of). My goal is to upload pictures in manageable chunks (nobody wants to sit and look at 400 pictures at once). So to start, you can go back in time and check out a little bit of history, starting at Thanksgiving, in "France Round 6."


Jill said...

Love the new pics...the one of Ellie with the cupcake shirt eerily looks like me as a kid. This is the first time I've ever thought Ellie looks moderately like me.

ald said...

It is so funny because we think that in a lot of pics!