Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Scenes From An Italian Restaurant

Or a French day care, as the case may be. Cole attends the Crèche two mornings a week from 9-12. They serve lunch at 11:30 so he has the privilege of a truly French toddler lunch. Now I am sure you are thinking hotdogs, chicken nuggets, mac & cheese…easy food for kids to eat, enjoy and digest. Oh no no. Kids in France do not eat those kinds of foods. Below is Cole’s menu for the week which is posted next to the door at the beginning of the week. And yes, this week on Tuesday Cole's starter was a beet salad with a vinaigrette, followed by a scallop of pork with peas and carrots (and not those perfectly square frozen carrots) and finally fruit of the season. Today he started out with an appetizer of cheese pizza. His main meal was sauted veal with broccoli flourettes, and dessert was fruit of the seaason. In the too much information category; Cole’s diapers are a different story on Crèche days.


Elizabeth said...

Ha! He'll be ruined for US-school lunches forever...

Jill said...

this is guys will get home in June and he'll be throwing that s**t at you...better learn how to cook that food on a regular basis

Slimbo said...

Just be careful...if he starts talking about how great Jerry Lewis is, he should be yanked out of that school immediately.